LinuxTag Workshop: Building secure UC service with Kamailio
Daniel-Constantin Mierla of Asipto, co-founder and member of management board for Kamailio project, will provide one hour workshop during LinuxTag Conference & Exhibition, Berlin, Germany. Scheduled on Thursday, May 24, 2012, the workshop will focus on how to build yourself a secure unified communication platform, using Kamailio in server side and Jitsi as application in client side.
Asipto’s portfolio include a set of solutions for securing and scaling IP telephony services, with options to add rich communication services such as video, instant messaging, presence or desktop sharing.
You can read more about the workshop at:
As you get at LinuxTag show, just drop by at Kamailio project booth to have a chat, you can meet people from Asipto team, five of the management team members, along with other developers, community members as well as the friends from SIP Express Media Server (SEMS) project. The booth is located in Halle 7.2b, Stand 278.